Why we began
Voices of Banks, in the Banks federal electorate in Sydney, was formed in July 2024 by a couple of locals who came together around a shared and passionate desire to see the standard of political representation improved.
The “Voices of” groups that have popped up around Australia have created a framework to enable political representatives to deeply understand the most important issues of their community and use the platform to respectfully engage with and be accountable to their electorate.
Inspired by the success of the Voices 4 Indi story, we have started on the same journey, which starts with listening to the issues our community cares about. The Indi community have demonstrated that each one of us can play a constructive part in lifting standards of behaviour in politics, focusing on ideas and policies and strengthening the way we are represented. We know now that by increasing participation in democratic processes and by diverse voices speaking up and being heard, we can improve our political representation that truly reflects our community.
Our democracy is under threat - learn more. But there is hope for improved representation. It's up to us to work together and get involved to create better outcomes for our community and our country.
Our aims
Our aim is to ignite enthusiasm for the democratic process, ensuring that every voice in our community is heard and valued.
We strive to foster a deeply engaged community that advocates for superior standards in community consultation and political representation.
We will take direction from the community. If via the Kitchen Table Conversations the community expresses an interest in having the option to vote for a community independent at the next federal election, we will facilitate the process of finding a suitable political candidate who reflects our shared values.
We are committed to maintaining a nonpartisan stance, unaffiliated with any political party, candidate, or representative and respect each person's individual choice of political representation.
Our values
Our values are what we expect from Australia’s political process – democracy, equality, transparency, accountability, respect, integrity
Courage – supports people to stand up for what they believe.
Diversity – welcomes people from all walks of life.
Inclusion – is non-partisan and encourages participation by all.
Integrity – is ethical, honest and evidence based.
Respect – values all views, gives due regard and listens to everyone.
What is ahead
We are kicking off our first Kitchen Table Conversations in August and plan to run them around the electorate until the end of January 2025. All responses from residents will be collected anonymously.
Make your voice heard! Join a Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC)
Our collective ‘Voices’ will be compiled into a document outlining what is important to the Banks community. This will be made available to our current political representative and anyone standing for the seat with an invitation to respond to our ‘Voices.’ This will be done via a Candidate Questionnaire where responses will be viewable on this website.
We will be inviting all election candidates to an in-person event closer to the federal election so that the community can hear about how they will represent, engage and consult with the Voices of Banks community if elected and their approach to voting on legislation. It will also be an opportunity for the community to ask questions.
Longer term we want to engage the Voices of Banks community in in-depth discussions on key issues of concern to our community.
How we work together
We are working together like the way we want our political representatives to work. We work collaboratively and encourage and value the free flowing of ideas and suggestions, respecting each other and having tolerance for diverse opinions. We take the time to listen, to be respectful and to understand each other. We move forward on the concept and ideas based on the majority consensus.
We ask our volunteers to pledge to abide by our values and promise to be our "best selves".
There is room for everyone and we invite you to get involved.